Saturday, 08 Feb, 2025


1. Register all the places wherever USG machine/any imaging machine like Color Doppler/2D/3D/4D machine is used, including medical/ surgical Nursing Home/ICCU wherever USG machine is used.

2.There should be only one machine for one center, and the machine should not be shifted from one center to other center. The company name & make of machine should be noted in PCPNDT registration certificate.

3. All radiologist /sonologist / Doctors using machines, their names to be entered in the PCPNDT certificate or on the separate sheet to be displayed along with PCPNDT registration certificate..

4. No doctor other than registered in that particular centre should use that machine. Other qualified doctor may use that machine after notifying to Appropriate Authority.

5. Display Registration Certificate in Original in Waiting Area and USG room.

6. Display on notice board the message in English and local language that "Sex Selection and Detection is not done in this Centre" and is punishable under the act. This should be displayed in Waiting Area and USG Room.

7. PCPNDT Act book copy should be maintained in the centre.

8. "D" form to be maintained by Genetic Counselling Centres only.

9. "E" Form to be maintained by Genetic Laboratories.

10. "F" Form to be maintained by USG Centre / Genetic Clinic as per

     PCPNDT Act book for pregnant patients only.

a. All column mentioned in “F” form should be filled up, no Column should be added/ deleted.

b. Previous Obst. History of patients with number of children with sex of each child should be mentioned in “F” Form.

c. ‘F” Form to be filled up in Duplicate and copy to be given to Appropriate Authority i.e., (M.O.H. of the Wards.)

d. Name of referral doctor, indication, results of USG must be mentioned whichever column is not required must be filled up as not applicable.

e. “F” form should be signed by doctor conducting sonography & not by the owner of the centre.

f. Declaration of the patient and doctor should be signed before doing the Sonography and after explaining the patient in her own language as per the Act.

11. Monthly report should be sent in time by 1st of month by all PNDT registered Centres to Appropriate Authority / by 3rd of month by A.A. to Special Officer, F.W. & M.C.H./M.I.S.

12. "H" Form to be maintained & updated time to time by Appropriate Authorities & to be informed to Special Officer, F.W. & M.C.H.

13. All records of all the patients to be maintained for minimum 2 years or if any legal case against the centre is pending then records to be maintained till the same case is disposed off.

14. Any changes in centre - like machine / Doctor should be intimated to A. A. within 30 days. Accordingly He/She should do changes in registration certificate immediately and inform Special Officer, F.W. & M.C.H. in writing and also does the changes in "H" Register.

15. For renewal of Registration, apply one month in advance to A.A. Otherwise cente will be considered as un-registered. Penalty of Rs.15,000/- will be charged.

16 M.O.H.(Appropriate Authority) should remind to concerned centre regarding date for renewal at least 2 months to the centre.

17. Application form "A" to be submitted in duplicate along with documents of machine and undertaking duly notarized stating Sex Selection/ & Sex Detection is not done in Centre and Centre will display the message in English & Local language that Sex Selection & Detection will not be done at the Centre which is punishable under the act.

18. The copy of the F-form should be submitted to the appropriate authority.

19. Advertisement of any sort is banned even on internet, or coding form - Punishable under the act - Rs.1 Lac fine with 5 years imprisonment.

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